Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies (BTS), founded in 1982, is a scientific society dedicated to advancing research on Byzantine culture and its subsequent impact. The society aims to promote scholarly investigation and broader awareness of Byzantine culture in Finland.

BTS publishes its own scientific series called Acta Byzantina Fennica and has a member magazine named Skholion.

The Acta Byzantina Fennica publication series can be read at

As a member organization, BTS is affiliated with both the Finnish Federation of Learned Societies and the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines, which comprises national Byzantine research societies.

The central activities of BTS include lecture events, held twice a year, as well as conferences, excursions, and trips. You are warmly welcome to join!

Call for Papers: The New Generation of Finnish Byzantine Studies

Helsinki, 8 February 2025

The Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies (BTS) invites early-career researchers participate in a seminar dedicated to Byzantine Studies, which will be held in Helsinki on 8 February 2025, from 11 to 15. This seminar aims to provide a platform for early-career researchers, who are Finnish or working in Finland, to present ongoing or recent studies in Byzantine history.

Presentations in Finnish or English across diverse disciplines, such as history, philology, art history, archaeology, and the study of religion, are warmly welcomed.

Please send your proposal for a 20-minute paper, including your title, an abstract of 150–300 words, and affiliation details to by 18 December 2024.

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format. It is free of charge.

Based on the seminar presentations, a special issue of Acta Byzantina Fennica, the society’s scientific series, is planned for publication. The articles should be in English.

For more information, please contact:

Please forward this call for papers to anyone interested!

You are welcome to join as a member!

Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies (BTS) welcomes all those interested in Byzantium to become members.

Our membership fees are as follows:

  • Individual Membership: €25 per year
  • Undergraduate Student Membership: €10 per year
  • Family Membership: €40 per year
  • Supporter/Corporate Membership: €50 per year

You can pay the membership fee to the association’s account. Here are the payment details:

  • Payee: Bysantin tutkimuksen seura ry
  • Account Number: FI45 5780 3820 1872 75
  • Reference Number: 20226

If you are a new member, please provide your contact information to the following address: info(a)

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